What stands out at meaningful
1. Class discussions- There were a bunch of classroom discussions that were impactful such as feedback from other students when someone was talking about how their service learning experience was going. I think the classroom discussions were important for us in order to hear other perspectives and for people to build on topics that other people brought up.
2. Midterm letter- This is meaningful to me because in all my years of school I have never had a teacher assign his/her students to write a letter telling the teacher what they like and/or dislike about the course and their opinion on the teaching style. It made me feel like professor Bogad cares about how her class is constructed and wants everyone to be on the same page. To add, it made me feel like my opinion on the course, the assigned work, and how it was provided to us mattered.
3. Introduction (moo-in)- The moo in at first I thought was a bit childish but then thinking about it, I believe it was a good way to get us talking in the morning and to feel more comfortable with each other. I think we all learned something from this about one another and it was a nice thing to hear every ones voice at the beginning of class as a sort of kick start to the class.